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Eagle Manor
The Eagle Manor estate is a confluence of natural beauty, history, and seclusion. It’s natural beauty makes it an ideal location for weddings and special events. It’s location within a 6000+ acre wildlife reserve makes it perfect for hunting and fishing groups. Its seclusion makes it a great location for corporate events and team building exercises.

Cohansey River

Eagle Manor has 400 feet of river frontage on the majestic Cohansey River which is the deepest river in New Jersey. The water depth accommodates the largest sailboats and yachts with plenty of room for boating and water-skiing. The Manor’s private boat ramp is located just a 15 minute boat ride from the Delaware Bay meaning that fishermen can enjoy fresh water, salt water, and deep sea fishing. Boaters can also take day trips to Philadelphia and Cape May. Despite it’s central location and navigability, you will rarely see other boats on the river, meaning that Eagle Manor guests essentially have the entire river to themselves.
In colonial times the river provided an anchorage for vessels approaching Philadelphia. In 1774, the small port village of Greenwich on the river near its mouth was the scene of an incident similar to the more famous Boston Tea Party in which imported tea was burned as a protest against taxation
See Nature at its Best

The Cohansey River boasts the largest concentration of bald eagles in New Jersey with 13 nesting pairs situated in the Cohansey River watershed. This is a huge comeback from the days in 1970 when there was only a single nesting pair in New Jersey, also on the Cohansey.
Bird watching at Eagle Manor is unparalleled in the continental United States due to its central location on the eastern migratory flyway and it’s large concentration of bald eagles, ospreys, and other raptors unmatched anywhere else in New Jersey. The rare and endangered species you will encounter at the Manor include bald eagles, American kestrels, barred owls, cooper’s hawks, grasshopper sparrows, Savannah sparrows, Cope’s gray tree frogs, carpenter’s frogs, eastern box turtles, Fowler’s toads, northern diamond back terrapins, and spotted turtles.