This Bald Eagle was my alarm clock today at Eagle Manor.

When you stay over at Eagle Manor, you can count on having Bald Eagles as your alarm clock. They perch in the tree overlooking the mansion house each morning and evening because it gives them a panoramic view of their territory on the Cohansey River.
Every day, in the morning and evening, the Bald Eagles perch in the tree overlooking the Eagle Manor mansion house. They’ll do this as long as there’s not a lot of activity on the front lawn. If you’re quiet enough you can even get a few pictures in. Another good method is to view them is from the windows of the mansion house, but it’s sometimes hard to get a good viewing angle that way. The best view is from the boat house with a tripod camera.
This eagle was perched in their normal spot in the tree overlooking the mansion house. I was able to sneak around the side of the house just in time to get a few shaky pictures before the dog scared him off. My apologies for the picture cutting off the top of the head, but it’s hard to take these high tree shots without a tripod.
The eagle came back a few minutes later after the dog had gone in the house. I was able to get a brief video which I’ll post on our Eagle Manor YouTube channel later today.